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Webinar Archive: Coatings by Environment


The PaintSquare webinar archive now features new recordings of webinar broadcasts of educational topics in the coatings industry. As part of this update, PaintSquare Daily News will occasionally feature a "new" recording.

“Service Environment: What Coating Should I Use," which was originally broadcast in April 2017, discusses one of the first steps in coating selection: evaluating the coating’s service environment

Offshore rig
© iStock.com / curraheeshutter
Higginbotham specifically discussed an important first step: evaluating a service environment to consider stresses imposed the components of a coating system.
Offshore rig
© iStock.com / curraheeshutter

Higginbotham specifically discussed an important first step: evaluating a service environment to consider stresses imposed the components of a coating system.

Presented by Thomas W. Higginbotham, training manager for PPG Protective and Marine Coatings, and sponsored by PPG, this webinar was a part of the 2017 JPCL/SSPC Webinar Education Series, which provided continuing education for SSPC recertifications and technology updates on important topics.

About the Presenter

Higginbotham develops and implements technical training programs. He oversees third-party training for PPG Protective and Marine Coatings and is an SSPC Certified Concrete Coating Inspector, as well as a NACE Level 3 Coating Inspector.

The webinar will analyze how the proper protective coating system—generally a primer, an intermediate coat and a topcoat, all of which are designed by manufacturers as suitable components for most endeavorscan help to ensure SSPC coating standards are met.

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Higginbotham will specifically discuss how the analysis the stresses the environment, and how it will impose upon the various components of a coating system, and thus determine the properties required for optimum coating performance.


Tagged categories: Coating Materials; Coating Materials; Coatings education; Education; Exposure conditions; PPG; Specification; SSPC; Webinars
