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TN Announces W/WW Infrastructure Grants


The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation recently announced 131 new grants, part of which will reportedly go towards drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. The grants, according to the report, come from the state’s American Rescue Plan funding at a total of $299,228,167.

Of the 131 grants, 29 are reportedly collaborative, involving multiple entities such as cities, counties, or water utilities that have partnered on projects for a shared purpose. According to the report, the remaining 102 grants are non-collaborative.

Grant Funding

“We are grateful to the local applicants, and we anticipate excellent results from these grants,” said TDEC Commissioner David Salyers. “This shows that Tennessee recognizes the need for improved water infrastructure, and we are grateful for the leadership of Governor Lee and the General Assembly in seeing that communities get this assistance.”

Some collaborative grants from the new awards include:

  • Town of Arlington, $2,471,640: In collaboration with Shelby County, Arlington will reportedly use ARP funds to address critical needs in their State Director's Order. Projects include improvements to Arlington's Wastewater Treatment Plant and installing fine bubble diffusers, the removal of jet aeration and improvements to existing sequencing batch reactors (SBR);
  • Bedford County, $4,045,328: In collaboration with Bedford County Utility District, Bedord County will reportedly use ARP funds to address critical needs and modernize their drinking water infrastructure. Projects include upgrades to their Water Treatment Plant by adding a 2-million-gallons-per-day (MGD) filtration system to increase capacity and continue providing safe, reliable drinking water in northern Bedford County;
  • City of Knoxville, $20,041,514: In collaboration with Knoxville Utilities Board, Knoxville will reportedly use ARP funds to develop Asset Management Plans and address critical needs. Projects include the replacement of water lines, the stabilization of a streambank, and the installation of a stormwater conveyance system; and
  • Montgomery County, $5,441,392: In collaboration with the Cunningham Utility District, Woodlawn Utility District, East Montgomery, and Cumberland Heights, will reportedly use ARP funds to develop Asset Management Plans and address critical needs and significant non-compliance. Projects include the installation of approximately 14,000 linear feet of new water line, replacement of asbestos cement water lines, and the development of a new water treatment plant.

Several non-collaborative grants include:

  • City of Adamsville, $2,586,083: The City will reportedly use ARP funds to address critical needs and complete Asset Management Plans for the drinking water and wastewater systems. The City of Adamsville will investigate potential water supply locations, replace old cast iron pipe, replace lift station equipment, and replace all water meters with automated water meters;
  • City of Athens, $2,371,902: The City will reportedly use ARP funds to maintain the city's municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit and address critical needs. Projects include the purchase of an asset management platform for the MS4 network, the completion of a stormwater master plan, and an MS4 utility feasibility study for adoption. The city will also engage in grey and green improvements to the primary MS4 drainage line in order to reduce sedimentation; 
  • Town of Englewood, $1,552,396: The Town will reportedly use ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and reduce infiltration and inflow as well as excessive flows at the wastewater treatment plant during rainfall events. Projects include the rehabilitation of 35 manholes and 400 linear feet sewer lines. Englewood will also replace the Connor Road Pump Station and replace 800 linear feet of gravity sewer and rehabilitate 17 additional manholes; and
  • City of Forest Hills, $743,882: Forest Hills will reportedly use ARP funds to develop a stormwater infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan and address critical stormwater needs. Forest Hills will collect stormwater asset management data, develop a database, update the city’s stormwater management program, and develop a city-wide stormwater basin master plan. Additionally, data collected as part of the stormwater asset management project will include GPS data that will be used to develop drainage basin area maps. 

“As Tennessee continues to experience unprecedented growth, we’re prioritizing critical infrastructure investments that will address the needs of Tennesseans and give local communities the resources needed to thrive,” Gov. Bill Lee said. “We look forward to the improvements these projects will bring, and we commend the communities who have gone through the application process.”

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In total, the grants that were awarded reportedly represent 469 different water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure projects.

In 2022, the state received $3.725 billion from the ARP, dedicating $1.35 billion of that to TDEC for water infrastructure projects. Of that $1.35 billion, $1 billion was reportedly designated for non-competitive “formula-based grants," offered to counties and eligible cities to address systems’ critical needs.

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Those needs reportedly included:

  • Developing Asset Management Plans;
  • Addressing significant non-compliance;
  • Updating infrastructure;
  • Mitigating water loss for drinking systems; and
  • Reducing inflow and infiltration for wastewater systems.

The most recent grants are reportedly part of the $1 billion non-competitive grant program. Remaining funds amounting at $269 million will reportedly go to “state-initiated” projects and competitive grants.

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“More than ever, infrastructure is critically important to our local communities,” said Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, R-Oak Ridge. “This money will allow cities and towns to address deficiencies and make improvements that will pay dividends not just in the present but in the years to come as well."


Tagged categories: Environmental Controls; Environmental Protection; Funding; Government; Grants; Health & Safety; Health and safety; Infrastructure; Infrastructure; non-potable water; Pipeline; Pipes; potable water; Program/Project Management; Safety; Sewer systems; Stormwater


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