New Product Announcement: Paint Additive


In a recent press release, pigment manufacturer The Eckart Group announced a new additive reported to make anti-stick coatings scratch resistant.

According to Eckart, SynAdd also optimizes technical properties of coatings and plastics, such as weather and moisture resistance. In addition, the additive can be utilized for optical effects like matting and milky glass appearances.

In a recent press release, pigment manufacturer The Eckart Group announced a new additive reported to make anti-stick coatings scratch resistant.

In a recent press release, pigment manufacturer The Eckart Group announced a new additive reported to make anti-stick coatings scratch resistant.

NLB Corporation
Modern Safety Techniques

The company notes that the additive powder is suitable for use in aqueous and solvent-based systems.

Quikspray, Inc.
Seymour Midwest

“In lacquers and plastics, the synthetic additive minimizes tiny cracks on the surface,” wrote Eckart in its release. “This improves the technical properties of the products. Anti-stick coatings, for example, become scratch-resistant as a result.

Tarps manufacturing, Inc.
base painters

“Thanks to improved surface texture, the haptics of the products also benefit.”

Tagged categories: Abrasion resistance; Additives; Coating chemistry; Coating Materials; Coating Materials - Commercial; Coatings; Coatings Technology; Coatings Technology; Moisture resistance; The Eckart Group


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