New D+D In Depth Issue Released


The latest issue of D+D In Depth, featuring four articles on air barrier code updates, roof coating project success factors and facade facelifts, is now available online.

The issue was released via email Monday (Aug. 28), including an article written by Eric Bennung of Acrymax Technologies about the key principles that contribute to the success roof coating projects.

D+D In Depth,
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In another article, Russell Snow, of W. R. Meadows, takes a look at code revisions that accommodates new standards for air barriers.

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For worn-out building facades, Allen Zielnik of Atlas Material Testing Technology details how to tell when a “facelift” is needed for building facades, especially when the facade no longer matches the building's identity.

NLB Corporation
Tarps manufacturing, Inc.

To subscribe to D+D In Depth, click here. To view archived issues, click here.

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Durability + Design is part of the Technology Publishing Company’s network of paint and coating editorial products. Related websites and publications include JPCL (Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings), PaintSquare Daily News, and

Tagged categories: Air barriers; Building codes; Building facades; Color + Design


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