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Getting the Most from Concrete Coatings

FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2014

Coatings can solve many of concrete’s problems—from durability concerns to deterioration issues—while enhancing the beauty of the building material.

However, coating concrete is not an easy task.

Fred Goodwin, a chemist with more than 30 years' experience in the construction chemicals industry, recently sat down with Durability + Design to discuss concrete coatings preparation as well as his upcoming presentation for D+D 2014, which begins Tuesday (May 20) in Cincinnati.

You can view the video below or click here. The eight-minute video was filmed during SSPC 2014.

‘Time is Money in Construction’

“Time is money in construction,” according to Goodwin.

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By following a series of steps—including knowing what to do before the concrete arrives at the jobsite or when the project team inherits an existing piece of concrete with problems—the team can ensure they save both time and money on the project, he said.

In the video, Goodwin shares a few of these steps regarding preparation for rapid concrete coatings application.

A Chemist’s Approach

As a lab scientist at BASF Construction Chemicals, Goodwin also talks about his role in concrete coatings’ performance.

In his work, Goodwin says he must solve issues before they become problems by understanding the needs of the owners and the pains of the applicators.

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“Often there [are] difficulties in installing coatings and difficulties in providing durability, so the better I can understand the situations, the better I can address those concerns,” Goodwin said.

D+D 2014, New Concrete Column

Goodwin also mentions his upcoming presentation at Durability + Design's first conference and expo, scheduled for May 20-22 at the historic Hilton Netherland Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati, OH.

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During the technical conference, he will present the paper, “Preparation of Concrete for Rapid Coating Application,” to architects, specifiers, owners, and applicators in attendance.

He plans to cover “new materials and new techniques as well as materials and techniques that have stood the test of time.”

Goodwin also aims to answer topic-related questions from the diverse range of attendees.

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Moreover, as one of three rotating authors for an upcoming magazine column on concrete, Goodwin will respond to readers’ concerns relating to existing concrete.


Tagged categories: BASF; Coatings education; Concrete; Concrete coatings and treatments; D+D 2014; Fred Goodwin; Good Technical Practice; SSPC 2014; Video


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