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NIBS Seeks Input on Building Workforce


Facility managers, building operations workers, and other professionals are needed to participate in a nationwide effort to improve the quality of the commercial building workforce.

The National Institute of Building Sciences' Commercial Workforce Credentialing Council (CWCC) is seeking qualified practitioners to assist in the development of job-task analyses for the Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines.

The set of voluntary national guidelines aims to improve “the quality and consistency of commercial building workforce training and certification programs,” according to the institute.

National Institute of Building Sciences
National Institute of Building Sciences
Established by Congress in 1974, the National Institute of Building Sciences aims to serve the public interest by supporting science and technololgy advances that improve the built environment.
National Institute of Building Sciences
National Institute of Building Sciences

Established by Congress in 1974, the National Institute of Building Sciences aims to serve the public interest by supporting science and technololgy advances that improve the built environment.

Apply now to submit industry credentials or nominate a colleague. Applications and nominations are due Wednesday (Dec. 4).

Energy-Related Jobs Analysis

NLB Corporation
Rapid Prep, LLC

As the industry coordination body, the CWCC, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, is looking for a broad range of current industry practitioners in the following five energy-related job categories:

APV Engineered Coatings
TMI Coatings, Inc.
  • Building Energy Auditor;
  • Building Commissioning Professional;
  • Building Operations Professional;
  • Energy Manager; and
  • Facility Manager (for Government Facilities).

According to CWCC, the job-task analyses will:

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  • Identify and catalogue the activities and tasks a worker performs in a given job; and
  • Identify the minimum knowledge, skills and abilities needed to adequately perform those tasks.

These five job-task analyses will form the foundation of the Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines.

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Modern Safety Techniques

For more information, contact CWCC Program Director Deke Smith.


Tagged categories: Building Envelope; Building operations; Commercial Buildings; Energy efficiency; Facility Managers; U.S. Department of Energy; Worker training; Workers


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