Top Coating Projects of 2013 Honored


ORLANDO—Coatings projects dazzling, daring and dangerous joined industry leaders in the winners circle Monday (Feb. 10) as SSPC 2014 opened to a record crowd in Orlando, FL.

As always, the society kicked off its four-day annual conference with its two-hour annual meeting and awards luncheon. SSPC President Ben Fultz and Executive Director Bill Shoup gave an upbeat assessment about the society's current numbers and reach before presenting the annual Structure Awards and individual awards.

SSPC2014-Annual Meeting
Technology Publishing Co.
SSPC Executive Director Bill Shoup told the annual meeting that individual membership topped 10,000 for the first time in 2013. The society is also running with a $1.275 million surplus.
SSPC2014-Annual Meeting
Technology Publishing Co.

SSPC Executive Director Bill Shoup told the annual meeting that individual membership topped 10,000 for the first time in 2013. The society is also running with a $1.275 million surplus.

"We've had a great year," Shoup told a crowd of several hundred.

For the first time, individual membership in SSPC topped 10,000 and organizational memberships topped 900 by Dec. 31, 2013, he reported.

The society ended the year with a $1.275 million surplus, increasing revenues by about $500,000 in the last year, Shoup said.

The Structure Award winners, listed below, will also be featured in a photo essay in an upcoming issue of JPCL

George Campbell Award

The George Campbell Award honors a difficult or complex industrial or commercial coating project. Challenges may include extreme environmental conditions, time constraints, limited access or high traffic, complex structural components, or coordination with multiple trades or subcontractors.

The award is named for the late George Campbell, founder of Campbell Painting Company in New York.

Foresthill Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Paint Project: Auburn, CA

Owner: County of Placer Department of Public Works
Contractor/Applicator: F.D. Thomas Inc.
Coating Supplier: The Carboline Company

Spanning the American River in the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains, the 730-foot-tall Foresthill Bridge (often called the Auburn-Foresthill Bridge) is the highest in the state of California and the fourth-highest in the nation.

The bridge, built in the early 1970s and not repainted since then, was due for important construction improvements, including a seismic retrofit and repainting.

The project, which cost more than $74 million, required an SSPC-QP 1- and QP 2-certified contractor to remove and dispose of 194,000 pounds of original lead-based paint that had covered the bridge's one-million-square-foot surface.

Foresthill Bridge Foresthill
Courtesy SSPC

The bridge contractor disposed of 194,000 pounds of the original lead-based paint on the 730-foot-tall Foresthill Bridge, the tallest bridge in the state of California and the fourth tallest in the United States.

That same surface area was abrasive blast-cleaned to a Near-White (SSPC-SP 10) finish before a three-coat system (organic zinc, epoxy and urethane) was applied.

The project started in February 2011 and was completed in January 2014. 

William Johnson Award

The William Johnson Award recognizes outstanding achievement in aesthetic merit in industrial or commercial coatings work. Criteria include color, gloss, texture, and how the coating complements the environment while enhancing the structure.

The award is named for a late consultant with KTA-Tator Inc., whose work in coatings formulation, failure analysis, and surface preparation was instrumental in advancing the industry.

Firgrove Mutual Zone 2 Reservoir: Puyallup, WA

Owner: Firgrove Mutual Water Company
Applicators: J & L Co. Northeast Inc. (Field) and CBI Services Inc. (Shop)
Muralist: Rolf Goetzinger and Peter Goetzinger
Coating Supplier: Tnemec Company Inc.

For this project, a new water tank and its associated facilities had to be constructed in the South Hill area of Puyallup, WA. The 105-foot-tall, field-welded steel standpipe (AWWA D100) tank measures 70 feet in diameter.

Firgrove Firgrove
Mike Nepple, Coldwater Project Services

Mural artists painted Douglas firs and other natural undergrowth freehand around the 70-foot-diameter water tank.

Shop coating for the new tank consisted of a polyamidoamine epoxy applied to prepared steel. Polyamide epoxy primer and intermediate coats were applied in the field.

Mural artists worked from a single hydraulic lift to paint Douglas fir trees reaching 100 feet tall. They also painted  a variety of other native plants that resemble the trees and natural undergrowth surrounding the tank site.

Forgoing templates, stencils or even a grid to guide the mural's layout, the artists used six-inch rollers to apply the acrylic polymer coatings freehand.

The project lasted from April to August 2012. 

E. Crone Knoy Award

Named for the late founder and president of Tank Industry Consultants, this award reflects coatings work that demonstrates innovation, durability or utility.

The award recognizes outstanding achievement that may include excellence in craftsmanship, execution of work, or the use of state-of-the-art techniques and products to creatively solve a problem or provide long-term service.

Thornton Bank: Coast of Belgium (North Sea)

Owner: C-Power N.V.
Contractor/Applicator: Smulders Group and THV Seawind (Dredging International)
Coating Supplier: Hempel Belgium

Thornton Bank is an offshore wind farm located off the coast of Oostende, Belgium. This challenging project involved constructing 48 steel jacket foundations for wind turbine generators and one steel jacket foundation for an offshore transformer station.

Thornton Bank Thornton Bank
Ronny Van Poppel / Smulders Group

The Thornton Bank project off the coast of Belgium used six different coating systems and a total of 152,000 liters of paint.

The jackets' legs were fabricated at the Smulders Project Plant, where they were assembled into a jacket foundation and finished by adding resting platforms and boat landings. After the midsections were painted and metallized, they were connected to the jacket foundations and received a complete touch-up.

The building of all the structural parts for the jackets was executed at several different locations, and then the separate structures were transported to Belgium, where they were assembled and shipped out to Thornton Bank.

By the end of the two-year project, which was completed in the third quarter of 2012, six different coating systems for a total of 152,000 liters of paint had been used.

Charles G. Munger Award

This award honors an outstanding industrial or commercial coatings project that demonstrates the longevity of the original coating. 

The structure may have had spot repairs or overcoating with the original coating still intact.

Marco Island Prudential Realty Building: Marco Island, FL

Owner: Prudential Realty (now Berkshire Hathaway Home Services)
Contractor/Applicator: Spectrum Painting
Coating Supplier: Tnemec Company Inc. 

Marco Island Prudential Realty Building
Tnemec Co. Inc.

The building's old copper roof started fading and changing colors in 2005. Rather than replace it, the owner decided to have it coated with a fluoropolymer system.

Coating a copper roof in southern Florida can present an array of challenges, such as extremely hot surface temperatures, daily rain storms and salty ocean air. 

Adding to those challenges, this particular roof was seamed, sloped and multi-tiered, which can cause issues with the coating's wettability and edge retention. 

The surface was high-pressure washed and prepared according to SSPC-SP 2, Hand Tool Cleaning. The coating system included a prime coat with a polyamide epoxy designed for forgiving application and adhesion characteristics, and a high-solids fluoropolymer with a semi-gloss finish that provides color and gloss retention in severe exposure environments. 

The project was completed in 2006, and the roof continues to shine in the hot Florida sun and withstand the salty air.

Just Like New Overspray Management
Modern Safety Techniques

Military Coatings Project Award of Excellence

The Military Award recognizes exceptional coatings work performed on U.S. military ships, structures or facilities. 

This year's two winners are the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and the USS Freedom.

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76): Bremerton, WA

Owner: U.S. Navy
Contractor/Applicator: International Marine and Industrial Applicators LLC
Coating Supplier: The Sherwin-Williams Company

USS Ronald Reagan

When the USS Ronald Reagan underwent coatings work, contractors had to stage, encapsulate and preserve 17.3 acres of steel without disrupting a tight undocking schedule. 

With a seven-month timeframe and an aggressive undocking schedule, preserving the coating system on the USS Ronald Reagan at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard required a lot of coordination. 

Coatings preservation work was performed on the freeboard, underwater hull, sea chests, catwalks, various tanks, voids and vent plenums. Approximately 17.3 acres of steel was staged, encapsulated and preserved. 

To prepare that much steel for coatings work, 48 blasting nozzles were in operation and eight 22-ton steel abrasive recycling units were mobilized and used at the same time, with some of the 50-foot units raised and placed on the carrier's flight deck. 

The freeboard was coated with polysiloxane, and elevators were prepared with aluminum abrasive and coated with polysiloxane. 

The project, completed in January 2013, was the largest "preservation availability" ever at the shipyard. 

USS Freedom: San Diego, CA

Owner: U.S. Navy
Contractor/Applicator: YYK Enterprises Inc. 
Coating Supplier: PPG Protective and Marine Coatings

USS Freedom
David Clapp

The USS Freedom, an active warship, was returned to service in less than six weeks.

Commissioned in 2008, the USS Freedom went to dry dock in Janary 2013  to remove its existing failed coating system. It became the first warship since the 1960s to sport the U.S. Navy Federal Standard colors for camouflage: black, haze gray, light gray and ocean gray. 

Shifting Colors tells the story of the camouflage coating of the USS Freedom.

One coat of edge-retention epoxy was applied from the water line to the rail, and the four camouflage colors were a semi-gloss epoxy-polysiloxane.

Because the USS Freedom is an active warship, the contractor and coating supplier had to meet accelerated deadlines. In only 72 hours, the coatings were manufactured in Arkansas and shipped to National City, CA. Priming and painting began immediately, and the ship was returned to service in less than six weeks. 

The ship is one of the first new ships painted with a low solar-absorbing polysiloxane. Shiifting Colors, a project video, showed the work.

Individual Awards

SSPC also honored coating industry leaders with these awards. This year, SSPC inaugurated a new award: The Women in Coatings Impact Award, which was presented to coatings consultant Alison B. Kaelin and Lana J. Ponsonby, of Huntington Ingalls Industries - Newport News Shipbuilding.

Alison Kaelin
Consultant Alison Kaelin (pictured) and Lana Ponsonby, of Huntington Ingalls Industries - Newport News Shipbuilding, shared SSPC's first Women in Coatings Impact Award.
Alison Kaelin

Consultant Alison Kaelin (pictured) and Lana Ponsonby, of Huntington Ingalls Industries - Newport News Shipbuilding, shared SSPC's first Women in Coatings Impact Award.

The society also presented a special Executive Director's Award to Karen A. Kapsanis, the longtime editor of JPCL. Kapsanis stepped down from the position Dec. 31.

Shoup noted that the award was not presented annually, but that he wanted to honor Kapsanis's decades of service to the journal, the voice of SSPC.

"Karen made a difference because every month, she put out an outstanding magazine," said Shoup. "Every issue was excellent. Every one.

"Karen put her heart and soul into that magazine for over 25 years."

Other awards and recipients were:

  • Honorary Life Member Award: John B. Conomos
  • John D. Keane Award of Merit: Derrick Castle
  • Past President Award: Stephen Collins
  • Technical Achievement Award: Dr. Lisa Detter-Hoskin
  • President's Lecture Series Awards: "Field and Laboratory Experience with Polyurethane Pipe Lines" by Dr. Allen Skaja, Dr. David Tordonato, and Dr. Bobbi Jo Merten; and "When Size Does Matter: An In-Depth Analysis of Brooklyn Bridge Project Data to Determine the Most Efficient Size of Abrasive Blast Containment Units and the Workforce" by Guerman Vainblat, P.E.  and Timur Kolchinskiy, E.I.T.
Steve Cogswell KarenKapsanis
BAE Systems (left); Technology Publishing Co. (right)

Stephen Cogswell (left) of BAE Systems shared the Coatings Education Award with Abdul Quim (Bani) and Muniandi Dewadas; Karen Kapsanis (right) received a special Executive Director's Award for her longtime service as editor-in-chief of JPCL.

  • Coatings Education Award: Stephen Cogswell, Abdul Quim (Bani), Muniandi Dewadas
  • Scholarship Program Recipients: Alicia Beebe, Taylor Krolak, Hans Meyer, Sarah Orvosh, Kerr Taubler

SSPC's Midwest Chapter was named Outstanding North American Chapter; the Saudi Arabia Chapter was named Outstanding International Chapter.

Keeping Up 

Show information will be updated continually on PaintSquare's Guide to SSPC 2014. A news ticker on the page will keep participants updated on show and industry happenings throughout the week.

Follow Twitter feeds from the show through @paintsquare, @danddjournal and @thesspc with hashtag #sspc2014.

Tagged categories: Bridges; Carboline; Coating Materials; Hempel; Marine Coatings; Offshore; Painting Contractors; PPG; Sherwin-Williams; SSPC; SSPC 2014; Tanks and vessels; Tnemec; U.S. Navy; Wind Towers
