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Soft Lumber Board Announces Timber Manual

FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2021

The Softwood Lumber Board recently announced that the WoodWorks – Wood Products Council and resource firm Think Wood have released the inaugural Mass Timber Design Manual.

The free, interactive resource aims to offer a comprehensive collection of the most up-to-date information on topics from mass timber products and design best practices, to taller wood construction and sustainability. Funding for the manual was provided by the SLB.

Mass timber inspires innovation. More and more, developers and designers are turning to mass timber to build everything from multifamily projects and commercial offices to signature public buildings and tall wood towers,” said Ryan Flom, Chief Marketing Officer of the SLB.

The market is advancing rapidly, and the Mass Timber Design Manual is designed to keep pace with it, providing timely and comprehensive information to support the design and build pros behind the next wave of mass timber buildings.

Softwood Lumber Board
The Softwood Lumber Board recently announced that the WoodWorks – Wood Products Council and resource firm Think Wood have released the inaugural Mass Timber Design Manual.
Softwood Lumber Board

The Softwood Lumber Board recently announced that the WoodWorks – Wood Products Council and resource firm Think Wood have released the inaugural Mass Timber Design Manual.

The Manual includes WoodWorks technical papers along with Think Wood’s continuing education articles as well as case studies, Q&As, technical guides and other tools, including:

  • Insurance for Mass Timber Construction;
  • Cost and Design Optimization;
  • Mass Timber Fire Design;
  • Acoustic and Vibration Design;
  • Tall Wood Buildings in the 2021 IBC;
  • Calculating Carbon Footprints;
  • Impact of Wood Use on North American Forests; and
  • Occupant Well-being and Biophilic Design.

According to the Board, users can either view each individual resource or download the folder for all of the files.

With the structural, aesthetic and low carbon advantages of building with mass timber, understanding its design and construction is quickly becoming essential knowledge for building professionals,” said WoodWorks President and CEO, Jennifer Cover.

WoodWorks is aware of 462 mass timber buildings that are complete or under construction across the U.S., and we've provided technical support on 303 of them, at no cost to the project teams. We're also supporting nearly 600 that are in design. As a living document, this manual will be updated annually with our team's market-proven solutions for architecture, engineering and construction management.

Previous Timber Guides

Last August, the International Code Council, along with the American Wood Council, released a joint publication: Mass Timber Buildings and the IBC, which aims to provide an overview of requirements for mass timber construction as found in the 2015, 2018 and 2021 International Building Code.

The document highlights changes beginning with the 2015 International Building Code that allow for construction of mass timber buildings with larger heights and areas than was permitted for buildings of wood construction types (Types III, IV and V) prior to the 2015 IBC.

The document also reviews the 2015 IBC recognition of cross-laminated timber, the reorganization of heavy timber provisions in the 2018 IBC, followed by the changes in the 2021 IBC and International Fire Code for tall mass timber construction.

Prior to that, the AWC released an updated “Technical Report 10 (TR10), Calculating the Fire Resistance of Wood Members and Assemblies."

The revised 2020 guidelines are in accordance with the 2018 National Design Specification for Wood Construction.

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Three primary revisions were included in the TR10, which are:

  • The expansion of design provisions for calculating the contribution of gypsum board protection in Chapter 4, “Design Procedures for Exposed and Protected Wood Members.” The revised provisions provide information for calculating both the increased structural fire resistance and thermal resistance provided by various types of protection.
  • The alculation of thermal separation times were updated in Example 5 (Exposed Cross-Laminated Timber floor design) and Example 6 (Exposed Cross-Laminated Timber wall design) to more closely estimate the benefits of protection.
  • Example 8 (Protection of Steel Ledger Connection) and Example 9 (Protection of Beam-Column Connection) were also updated to include information on use of gypsum board as required to protect connections of mass timber members in the new Type IV-A and IV-B buildings permitted in the 2021 International Building Code; and a new Example 10 (Protection of Tension Splice Connection) was added at the request of designers seeking an example of a completely concealed mass timber connection.

Tagged categories: American Wood Council (AWC); Associations; cross-laminated timber; Good Technical Practice; timber; Wood
