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RCI Announces New Name, Rebranding


Nonprofit organization RCI Inc. (traditionally known for roofing expertise) announced last week that it is rebranding, complete with new name, and will be known as the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants effective April. 1

RCI was originally incorporated in 1983 as the Roof Consultants Institute and its membership decided that the need for aligning the association’s name and brand with its purpose and strategy was needed after extensive study, brand assessment and industry-wide feedback.

The soon-to-be IIBEC, is currently representing more than 3,600 members, made up of building enclosure consultants and industry stakeholders specializing in roofing, waterproofing and exterior-wall specifications and design.

In embracing the entire building enclosure, the new name clearly defines its purpose as:

Modern Safety Techniques
Just Like New Overspray Management
  • An international association;
  • A professional institute representing building enclosure consultants—architects, engineers and others such as ex-contractors who have gained the required education and experience;
  • A knowledge hub and leading authority on all things building enclosure (roofing, waterproofing and exterior walls);
  • An institute attractive to professionals of all ages, races and genders;
  • An industry leader endeavoring to increase exposure, recognition, usage of the institute’s resources by nonmember architects and engineers, government agencies (state and federal), as well as end-users such as school boards, universities, facility managers, etc.

All correspondence, financial transactions, contracts and references to RCI should be changed to the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants or IIBEC by April 1.


Tagged categories: Architects; Consultants; Contractors; Engineers; Good Technical Practice; Government; PaintSquare App - Commercial; RCI Inc.; Roof Consultants Institute (RCI Inc.); Roofing contractors; Waterproofing
