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Material Selection Conference Profile: Ken Trimber


Durability + Design is set to launch its inaugural Material Selection Conference, a one-day seminar on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at the Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh International Airport in Pittsburgh. Be sure to register here.

With four workshop sessions and two discussion panels, the conference will feature several professionals in the field who will be helping owners, architects, contractors and coating manufacturers to determine the effect of coating system and liquid-applied air barrier design on building performance, with a focus on the capability of coatings to manage moisture intrusion into exterior walls, and of liquid-applied air barriers to limit heat, air, and moisture transport through walls.

The Industrial Lead Paint Removal Handbook
Kenneth A. Trimber, president of KTA-Tator Inc., will moderate the first panel discussion of the day, “Performance on Exterior Walls of Specific Coating and Water Repellent Brands.”

Kenneth A. Trimber, president of KTA-Tator Inc., will moderate the first panel discussion of the day, “Performance on Exterior Walls of Specific Coating and Water Repellent Brands.”

Kenneth A. Trimber, president of KTA-Tator Inc., will moderate the first panel discussion of the day, “Performance on Exterior Walls of Specific Coating and Water Repellent Brands.”

Material Selection Conference organizers set out to address the shortcomings of many industry panels, which typically ban the use of proprietary coating names and the advocacy for specific products.

Trimber conceived of the novel panel discussion format that has suppliers presenting the merits of their specific brands in response to different industry scenarios during the SSPC 2017 conference in Tampa, Florida.

Members of the audience expressed satisfaction about the value of the session and said that the event helped them to distinguish among brands. On the basis of this success, Durability + Design decided to adopt the approach for its Material Selection Conference in September.

“I’m glad that Durability + Design has embraced the concept of allowing coating and water-repellent manufacturers the opportunity to openly discuss the merits of their specific brands for solving problems,” Trimber said.

About Ken Trimber

Trimber is a NACE Certified Coating Inspector and SSPC Protective Coatings Specialist. He is a past president of SSPC and a member of the Standards Review Committee, as well as the chairman of SSPC’s Commercial Coatings Committee, Surface Preparation Committee and Containment Task Group.

He is a past chairman of ASTM D1 on Paints and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications, and is a recipient of SSPC’s Award of Merit. He authored The Industrial Lead Paint Removal Handbook, as well as numerous articles on architectural coatings in Durability + Design and elsewhere.

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For more information on the conference, visit durabilityanddesign.com/materials.


Tagged categories: Conferences; Good Technical Practice; Kenneth A. Trimber; Water repellents
