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Highlights from the Current Issue of JPCL


Did you know JPCL is available in multiple formats? In addition to the print edition, you can read the full November issue as a digital flipbook online, in a downloadable PDF or as individual articles on paintsquare.com.

Issue Contents

Reflecting on the Thanksgiving season in his “Letter from the Editor,” Editor-in-Chief Charlie Lange expresses his gratitude for JPCL readers and coatings professionals and teases this month’s main feature on U.S. Navy-led research on aluminum surface prep.

“Even amid the current challenging times, we can do ourselves some good by reflecting on what we’ve had to be thankful for this year,” wrote Lange.

“And since November is also marked by Veterans Day in the U.S. and other countries, it’s worth taking time to appreciate our armed forces, who contribute to our security. For them to effectively protect us, though, their assets must also be protected from not just enemy combatants, but the forces of corrosion.”

Looking to December


Following Lange’s letter to readers, the issue pulled together some of its most-read stories on PaintSquare.com in its Coverage section. Some of these topics included a recap of Technology Publish Company’s Contractor Connect 2021 and Q3 financial reports for AkzoNobel and Sherwin-Williams.

In terms of this issue’s features, Damien Ranero, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Philadelphia Division; and Anthony Monda and Patrick Cassidy, Elzly Technology Corporation outline a testing program that investigates the factors that can contribute to premature coating delamination on aluminum surfaces on U.S. Navy ships in “Optimized Surface Preparation for Coated Aluminum Substrates in Marine Environments.” The results support development of optimized procedures and specifications for preparing aluminum substrates for coating application.

Continuing on, Somaieh Salehpour, Seal for Life Industries, discusses the growth of offshore wind energy in recent years and the need for preventative maintenance and protection. “Protecting Offshore Wind Power: Addressing Tomorrow’s Challenges Today” presents two possible coating options for expedient corrosion protection.

As a final installation, the November issues features JPCL’s 2021 Blasting Resource Guide. This year’s Guide features information about the latest blast-cleaning equipment and materials, and tips and insight from manufacturers, suppliers and industry experts. The Guide is published annually to help abrasive blasters select, operate and maintain their equipment.

In closing the issue, readers can also find the recurring Bid Bits and Paint by Numbers articles.

Looking to December

According to Lange, readers can expect the following topics in the December issue:

  • Annual JPCL Coating Systems Buying Guide for Concrete;
  • Installing concrete flooring at a food/beverage facility;
  • Concrete infrastructure coatings: a cost analysis;
  • JPCL Prestige Awards winners; and
  • Industry news, coatings community comments, upcoming events and more!

JPCL Archives, Subscriptions

Following the release of the issue, the magazine will be added to the JPCL archives—containing 25 years of JPCL digital issues dating back to 1996—which cover a priceless collection of evergreen information, solutions to real-life problems, case studies, insight from experts and a historical record of the industry.

In 2020 alone, Technology Publishing CEO Brion Palmer reported that more than 25,000 industry professionals accessed the archives. However, the content is only available to current JPCL subscribers and, in separating from SSPC, is no longer an association benefit.

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Tagged categories: Abrasive blasting; Aluminum; Blasting; Corrosion; Corrosion protection; Elzly Technology Corporation; JPCL; Marine Coatings; Offshore; Paint BidTracker; PaintSquare; Program/Project Management; Technology Publishing Co.; U.S. Navy
