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Highlights from the Current Issue of JPCL


Did you know JPCL is available in multiple formats? In addition to the print edition, you can read the full September issue as a digital flipbook online, in a downloadable PDF or as individual articles on paintsquare.com.

Issue Contents

Reflecting on the end of summer and the first days of fall in his "Letter from the Editor," Editor-in-Chief Charlie Lange introduces the 2021 Coatings Buying Guide for Steel, and teases some of the magazine's upcoming end-of-year offerings.

“We here at JPCL offer these resources so that those in the protective coatings industry are armed with both the content and contacts that they need to get their jobs done right,” wrote Lange.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, and worker shortages, supply-chain issues and other aftereffects of the pandemic continue to affect our industry, the stakes have never been higher—and neither have out efforts to provide crucial information to the coatings industry.”

Looking to October


Following Lange’s letter to readers, the issue pulled together some of its most-read stories on PaintSquare.com in its Coverage section. Some of these topics included the newly mandated vaccine for large employers and federal contractors, among other workforces.

In addition, it was announced that the nomination period for the Prestige Awards program’s third year, which recognizes the top people, products and projects in the industrial coatings field, was extended from Oct. 1 to Oct. 31. New this year, the 2021 Prestige Award process will be promoted in the pages of JPCL—including a cover feature on the award winners later in the year.

Nominations are still open for this year’s awards for outstanding projects completed between March 2, 2020, and March 1, 2021. The deadline is Oct. 31.

In terms of this issue’s features, JPCL spoke with Peter Wright, Association Manager, Waterjet Technology Association, on updates in the waterjetting sector, in addition to WJTA’s plans for member training and certification, its outlook on the future of waterjetting and more. As high- and ultra-high-pressure waterjetting are increasingly used as a form of surface preparation prior to coatings application, WJTA serves to facilitate education and training regarding best practices.

Continuing on, Kenneth B. Tator, P.E., KTA-Tator, Inc. discusses information about piping used for sewage collection and how corrosion attack affects those materials, and presents strategies for mitigation of corrosion in sewers—including the most widely used method: the application of protective coatings—in “Protecting Sanitary Sewage Piping in the Underground Battle Against Corrosion.”

The issue’s third feature outlines the basics behind surface preparation and metalizing of steel structures in cold climates. In “Metalizing Alaskan Marine Structures: A Field-Friendly Method of Corrosion Protection: A Field-Friendly Method of Corrosion Protection” by Ryan Wixson, TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd.; and Cooper Curtis, Highmark Marine Fabrication, LLC, the authors expand on specific examples of successful metalizing applications from a fabricator in Kodiak, Alaska, as proof of the results it can offer in corrosion protection.

As a final installation, the September issue features JPCL’s 2021 Coatings Buying Guide for Steel. This year’s Guide features information about protective coating systems from more than 85 manufacturing companies, organized by structure type and exposure environment. The Guide is published annually to assist facility owners and specifiers in selecting coating systems to protect their structures.

In closing the issue, readers can also find the recurring Bid Bits and Paint by Numbers articles.

Looking to October

According to Lange, readers can expect the following topics in the October issue:

  • Realizing assembly line efficiencies when coating transmission pipelines;
  • Rehabilitating a busy cross-borough NYC bridge;
  • Plural-component application of passive fireproofing;
  • Investigating a coil coatings failure; and
  • Industry news, coatings community comments, upcoming events and more!

JPCL Archives, Subscriptions

Following the release of the issue, the magazine will be added to the JPCL archives—containing 25 years of JPCL digital issues dating back to 1996—which cover a priceless collection of evergreen information, solutions to real-life problems, case studies, insight from experts and a historical record of the industry.

In 2020 alone, Technology Publishing CEO Brion Palmer reported that more than 25,000 industry professionals accessed the archives. However, the content is only available to current JPCL subscribers and, in separating from SSPC, is no longer an association benefit.

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Tagged categories: Corrosion; Corrosion protection; JPCL; JPCL Prestige Awards; KTA-Tator; Metallizing; Paint BidTracker; PaintSquare; Pipelines; Program/Project Management; Sewer systems; Steel; Technology Publishing Co.; Water/Wastewater; WaterJet Technology Association; Waterjetting
